Thursday, October 26, 2006


Hey Mr. Bush
Here's some advice. It is great what you are trying to do, but idiots never listen. So why don't you practice the democracy you hail and ask the Iraqis to have a referendum. If they want the US to stay or not. Easy. If they say yes you let them know you are going to anihilate all militias. If they say NO, great you got rid of Sadam, stirred the pot in the middle east, gave an arab country a chance at democracy ( something the UN could never do ) and now let them go at it. Whoever is standing can deal with the world after. There isn't a big loss in to the world if a bunch of nutcases kill each other. As for the people of Iraq, like all other muslims, its time to pick a side and stand up. Do you want to remain slaves to your leaders or do you want freedom. There is no god but Allah, so why are these people like Sadr telling you what to do?


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