Thursday, November 07, 2013

Are we crazy?

They say if you feel everyone around you is crazy and you are the only sane one left, then perhaps it's you who is crazy.  We think we may be crazy.  We cannot understand the events happening around us.  Pakistan wants to negotiate with the Taliban.  This is what their new leader wants.  Why? Why? Why? . Why would you even consider the idea, when you know you are dealing with irrational individuals?  They kill medical personnel helping their children, they shoot at girls who go to school, they burn down schools, they want to take your society back centuries and they have always used the tactic of negotiation as a delaying mechanism.  Here's the kicker, they just named the person who masterminded the shooting of the young girl for wanting education as their new leader.  Yeah negotiate with these people!

Spineless (Obama) wants to open a dialogue with Iran.  Iran who uses stalking tactics which the Taliban copy.  Iran who is willing to let it's citizens suffer for outdated ideological principles.  Iran who in the last thirty years has destroyed hundreds of years of Persian progress. Iran who last week held a death to America parade and festival.

How did the world get here?  How could a half white Muslim leader of the United States be so bad for freedom, women, democracy and the betterment of the world?  How? How? How?
If we aren't crazy, we are going crazy.

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