We begin with the strongest condemnation for the attacks in Paris. There is no room for such acts in our religion. This brutal act and all other acts committed in the name of our religion is what we are fighting. The few uneducated fanatics are misrepresenting our faith. There is no justification.
Today the Pope spoke eloquently about freedom of speech and respect.
"You can't provoke, you can't insult the faith of others, you can't make fun of faith," he told reporters on Thursday, aboard a plane taking him from Sri Lanka to the Philippines to start the second leg off his Asian tour.
Francis, who has condemned the Paris attacks, was asked about the relationship between freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
"I think both freedom of religion and freedom of expression are both fundamental human rights," he said, adding that he was talking specifically about the Paris killings.
"Everyone has not only the freedom and the right but the obligation to say what he thinks for the common good ... we have the right to have this freedom openly without offending," he said.
He went further to touch on what freedom of speech requires from us all.This is the conversation we want the west to have for the future.
"You can't make a toy out of the religions of others," he added. "These people provoke and then (something can happen). In freedom of expression there are limits."
Earlier in the week France announced it is cracking down on hate literature and especially anti-semantic speech. This is the hypocrisy we need to address. Why are laws only for anti-Semite literature? Why are you not talking about anti Muslim literature and hate. At a certain level the cartoonist are showing their hatred for a culture which they dont like. We have the same ideals but we must address the inequality in the western world.
It is telling to us the Pope understands, but the government's don't. Where are the cartoons about the Jewish victim syndrome? Where is the rally for the oppressed in Palestine when Israel bombs and kills children playing on a beach?
The conversion must be two way otherwise we are just reacting to a symptom and not the disease.
Labels: corruption of religion, freedom, Humanity, Hypocrites
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