Tuesday, December 22, 2015

America, not the goal anymore.

Why are we thinking America is the goal? Until recently we have believed modernizing the Muslim world would mean turning the world more like USA.  Unfortunately after much discussion and introspection we are here to say we don't want the Muslim world to be like America of today. 
Look at America.  It's not a country of freedom or democracy.  It's a country of the privileged.  Those with money make the laws and then the rest live to support the lives of the rich.  It's a country of hate. Americans get motivated by hate. Hate of the other party, hate of the other religion, hate of the citizenry by those in law enforcement, hate of compromise.
America is poised to elect the most corrupt family to the presidency. To replace the most inept president in history.
A country which rewards the corporation over the hard labour of its people.  A society which claims to be capitalistic but their biggest business is anti capitalistic and a ponzi scheme. Health insurance.

What we want now is a new day and a new goal.  Countries built to respect their citizens, governments which work for all, society open to diversity, a democracy which isn't corrupted by tradition.  The Muslim world has a chance to be leaders of the the next phase of human history, but they must change.  This is the time.  Give freedom to your people, give them equality and learn from the mistakes made by America.  People are more important then corporations. Politics is not a profession but a service. It should not be a profitable endeavor. Police and military work for the citizens, not the state.  If you don't want to accept tolerance, acceptance of minority, equality of sexes, separation of religion and state then move to America.

As of now and to start 2016 we will not promote America or the west as models of what we want modernization of the Muslim world to be like.  Instead we will promote a better world, what America use to be.  As well we will wish for things which are a step above where America got.  This is the time to change and lead as the leaders have fallen.

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