Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Swiss Girls must swim with Boys

Here is the absurdity of the world and the political correct. The swiss government had to go to court to enforce their policy of teaching swimming to children in their school. Apparently some Muslim parents refused to let their girls swim in the same class as the boys. Now these liberal political correct people believe they are doing right by letting cultures keep their culture, but don't realize all they are doing is reinforcing what is wrong. Wrong in humanity cannot hide behind culture and religion. Shaking hands is not a religious act. Avoiding to do so because of religion, is not acceptable and should never be tolerated. However so many let so many get away with this shit. We at MMM are telling you do not let religion change your culture. If the swiss had accepted this, then they would have to allow stoning of children, as this is part of Saudi Arabia's law. The UN condemned SA in October 2016 for stoning children. Condemned....really, what does that do? This is why the UN is a joke. Condemn SA, pass a resolution against Israeli settlements....on and on. Nothing happens. Lets get real, people of the world need to rise against the wrongs of this world. Lets not let political correctness or the need to respect culture stop us from correcting what we all know is wrong as humans.

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