Thursday, February 03, 2011

As if we didn't know>>>>

Brothers we are getting attacked by those who see the light and how its fading.
The Secret police and all those who made a living enforcing the oppression in Egypt came out yesterday to harm the peaceful anti-establishment revolutionaries.

It was bloody, and if there were any questions left as to how serious this movement is, look who is standing and who is still there. You cannot kill your entire population, when they stand up.

Tomorrow on the day of prayer, let us pray, Allah shows the world and Mubarak what is coming to the Muslim world. Freedom, equality, and peace......for the people, by the people.

Are you ready to dump the old men Obama? Change is what you claim to have stood for, then lets change the world. C'mon, say it, claim it, call for the overthrow of all governments in the area by the people. No kings, or dictators, or ayatoallahs.....

Its time....earn the damm Nobel they gave you.

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