Monday, October 22, 2007

Anti-War causes more deaths than War

We are continually having to defend our stance on the Iraq war. We who want reform and who advocate free speech. This is a war against free speech. The fanatics want no free speech. They do not want anyone to have views outside of theirs. They do not want women to have equal rights or free speech. Modern governments in Muslim countries do not want free speech.

It is this reality which seems to go unnoticed among those who are so mad at George Bush the person, they miss the point of this war. Ofcourse there will always be the idealist amongst us who like to live in lala land. The anti-war people. The ones who do not believe in war. If we were to follow them, we would never have fought to save the jews, or others thru history who have been slaughtered. They don't want us to interfere in Dafur, because that would be war. So more innocents get killed. They would not have us stop the war in Balkans, Korea, South Africa etc...

In reality, if the world was Anti-War; more people would die than do because of war. There is no war in Sudan, just killing. War enables a chance for peace. No war leads to no peace, just unchecked aggression.

Moderation does not mean appeasement. Moderation never means to turn the other cheek.
The cowards pretend to be peaceful, because it never requires them to commit themselves to a principle. Sitting on the sidelines, being anti-war is not a principle. Its cowardice to sit on the fence.
Freedom is never free.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a joke

Here is a muslim joke sanctioned by the modern muslim movement;

I was feeling a bit depressed the other day, so I
called the Help Hotline.

I was put through to a 'call center' in Pakistan.

I explained that I was feeling suicidal.

They were very excited at this news and wanted to
know if I could drive a truck or fly an airplane.