Tuesday, December 01, 2009

What time is it?

We have always been against fanatics. We have always been against extremism. So we are not just having a irrational reaction, when we say we are appalled at the Swiss.

The Swiss banned the construction of minarets? Really?!!! How stupid is that? It makes them stupider than the Saudi's.

The Swiss people voted for this; the so called peace makers of the world.

So we agree with the crazy people in the world wanting to ban swiss watches. Yes its true swiss watches are symbols of liberalism, racism, and all other stupid isms. Being seen with a swiss watch on your arm my cause people to become idiots.

How about swiss cheese?

Notice we are not capitalizing the letter s in swiss anymore, because its not a country deserving of such an honor.
Are we mad? No just frustrated, its bad enough trying to change the Muslim world without having to worry about countries going crazy on us.

Why doesn't America ban buildings, they tend to attract planes?

I think the Japanese still make decent watches, maybe I will get a fake swiss watch made in China?

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