Friday, May 30, 2008

Lets out market the Christians

The vatican today issued an edict that anyone who ordains a woman will be ex communicated from the church. That means banished. Not only the woman minister but the bishop who ordains them.

We muslim should seize the day and win the marketing war of religions. We should immediately announce we will not banish any woman or persons who help women become ayatoallahs or ministers or whatever post that exists which is the equivalent of a minister in the christian church. How modern we would be? How advanced we would be? How equal we would be?
The true religion of the 21st century.

Here is the problem. We have a few more things to do first. Like admitting women exist as humans and not slaves. Let them drive. How about letting them vote. How about letting them enter society. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL; LETTING THEM LEARN TO READ!!!!!!

Watch out christians we will out market you yet!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Proof for Disbelievers

We remarked years ago how we believe in the cause of freedom and change of muslim culture. The war paid dividends in it made it clear to some time to change was now. Here are a few statements, can you guess who said them???

Shrinking the bureaucracy, privatizing state assets and spending billions of dollars on new roads bridges and ports is the goal.

...the nation must shrink the size of the state and shift ( country's ) oil wealth into the hands of the population.

"Oil has become a necessary commodity and I think the oil rich countries could face problems unless they find solution to the money they've earned in a w way that satisfies their people."

Does this not sound like a western leader as opposed to Middle Eastern dictators or fanatical religious zealots?

Yes it does however it isn't. These thoughts and words belong to MOAMAR GADHAFI!!!!!*

*see the article in the Wall Street Journal, May 21 2008 "In Gadhafi's Libya, an Economy is Transformed"

Ps Gadhafi agreed to co-operate with US and Britain after they found Saddam in hole in the ground hiding like a coward.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Officially Joining the team

Iran now joins Saudi Arabia as our worst offenders to world peace for Muslims. Iran has been sponsoring terrorism globally. What makes it worse, is it sponsors the killing of fellow muslims. It like Saudi Arabia promotes violence between brothers.
Saudi backs sunni's and Iran backs shia's.

Here is the battle for the world. Take these two countries out and you change the world for good. Plus the oil!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

NO!!!! We did it!!!! Damm it!!!!!

The number #2 in Al-Quida the other day was angry and demanding the media stop the stories about 9/11 being an inside job.
Infact he claims Israel started the rumor to undermine the power of Al-Quida.

People of the western world is there any doubt these are crazy terrorists. What more evidence do you Europeans need to accept these bastards will continue this crap long after George W is gone if you don't smarten up and fight this war.