Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Praise Allah! We are inmune to Swine Flu

As has been said in many Muslim parts, we muslims are inmune to swine flu, because we are muslims and don't eat pork. Does that mean the Jews are safe too?

Should we book our cheap vacation deals to Mexico? You know its only a matter of time before Osama takes credit for this episode.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sanctioned Rape

Afganistan just passed a law which would make it a crime for a woman to refuse sex to her husband. Basically a husband can now rape his wife as he wishes. How can this happen in 2009?
We have to wonder why the world sits still. All these marchers are at home. No one has marched for the women. Ofcourse this law only applies to the Shia. Are the Sunnis switching?
C'mon world get mad, stand up and fight. Or do we have to pray for Bush to come back.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Take that Grandma

Saudi Arabia has sentenced a 75 year old woman to 4 months in prison and 40 lashes for allowing two men into her house. They happen to be her nephews who had just brought her loaves of bread.

Thank Allah the Europeans haven't given into America and fixed the Arab Muslim world. Otherwise this sinner grandmother would have got away. VIVA LA FRANCE!