Thursday, October 26, 2006


Hey Mr. Bush
Here's some advice. It is great what you are trying to do, but idiots never listen. So why don't you practice the democracy you hail and ask the Iraqis to have a referendum. If they want the US to stay or not. Easy. If they say yes you let them know you are going to anihilate all militias. If they say NO, great you got rid of Sadam, stirred the pot in the middle east, gave an arab country a chance at democracy ( something the UN could never do ) and now let them go at it. Whoever is standing can deal with the world after. There isn't a big loss in to the world if a bunch of nutcases kill each other. As for the people of Iraq, like all other muslims, its time to pick a side and stand up. Do you want to remain slaves to your leaders or do you want freedom. There is no god but Allah, so why are these people like Sadr telling you what to do?

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Remember the fatwa the ayatollah issued against Salman Rushdie. He said anyone who kills him will go to heaven and receive virgins or some sort of rubbish like that.


I am issuing a Fatwa. Bring me Osama, and his deputies and you will be hero and I will get you two hookers on earth.
Get your reward while on earth. Do you really want someone who is an amateur or someone who knows what they are

All true muslims should be trying to get Osama and his like who are insulting and corrupting our religion. There is no god but Allah. So any sheik or leader that thinks he is above you is not a true muslim. This applies to the Sadr guy in Iraq. I will give you one hooker for him but still gurantee heaven for you and your family. Rise up and claim back your religion. Until we rid our religion of these goons and charlatans we will never be doing Allah's work.


All muslims who commit violence and kill during the month of Ramadan are infidels.
Thus all these deaths in Iraq are caused by infidels. These are no muslims.
They are satans children.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Taliban worse than Nazi's

Since in this world everything always gets related to the 2nd World War and the plight of jews, let us classify the Taliban as Nazi's and their followers as Hitler. Does this put the importance of fighting them in perspective? The Taliban wants nothing more than to suppress everyone but themselves. No women, no westerners, no freedom. Their methods are worse, only they aren't yet thinking globally. However they must be dealt with and put down.

It is very sad the world let them come to power and stay in power until Sept 11. It is also sad the so called humanists in Europe are, still not behind the war in Afganistan. As a muslim I say, it is ok, to say.... " the muslims like the taliban are evil and must be rid of." Don't try to be politically correct at the expense of women and children.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sunnis vs Shias

Let them go!!!! Give them the weapons and let them kill themselves. Why are we trying to stop this violence? These are the idiots of the muslim world and if they kill themselves off, its better for society. If a muslim believes its ok to kill another muslim because of his sect, he isn't a muslim I want in this world. So the more of them that kill each other the better for the future of the modern muslim movement. My position as a modern muslim is let the idiots fight. Let their be chaos.

Muslims who kill are not muslims.

A lesbian perspective

I am borrowing someone else's vies because it is so unique and something I find worth thinking about,
As explained to me by a muslim lesbian.

If 656 000 muslims were killed in Iraq, I would think 500 000 are men. If 500 000 thousand muslim men are killed, from my perspective its really not a bad thing. Since the muslim man doesn't recognize my existence, he therefore is evil.

"Ofcourse those of us who are modern muslims don't fit into this category. Hopefully." said I.

"Than you probably don't live in Iraq, or Iran or Saudi Arabia."

For myself no death is good, however I can see the point. Yes the muslim society must reform. Must accept women as equal and must do so of their own will.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lets begin with a rant

The future is now. The past is gone. The world must accept the fact the muslim religion needs a overhaul. The problem is we are afraid to confront the truth. The muslims are abusing all women. The western world does not believe women are worth the fight. We fought for jews, for blacks in South Africa, and yet we sit back and find all types of excuses not to go to war and liberate the women of the muslim world.

Why is it ok for the muslims to keep their women from education and equal rights? Are the women not equal? How can a man or a woman in the western world turn their backs on the women for the sake of peace. What good is world peace if the women are servants? Is it okay to not get involved because it doesn’t effect our world.

As a muslim I want to stand up and fight against all muslim terrorists. Not because I believe in Bush, or the western world, but because I believe in my religion. There is nothing in the book which support Ossama or any other insurgents. The world needs a revolution.

Ask yourself; Do you believe all people are equal? Do women have right to education? Do all people deserve freedom? If your answer is yes, then you must join the fight against the muslim governments. You must fight the European inaction, you must fight the idea the world must be left as is.

Is the world better with Saddam? Is the world better with muslim governments repressing their people? Is the world better if women are not equal? is the world better if the U.N. lets the European elite decide what the world should look like?

How did the U.N. ever become the body which decides what is right and wrong. Here is an idea ill conceived and completely corrupt. It is a body which should be ablolished. It has never represented the people, but the elites of each country. The masses have no representation in the U.N. The U.N is a bunch of rich, priviledged people deciding what they would like the world to be. Thus ensuring their place in this world.

People die all over the world waiting for UN diplomats to finish their lunch before voting on another resolution. Resolutions don't feed people, resolutions don't free people, resolutions don't stop genocides, resolutions don't depose dictators, resolutions can't overthrow the Saudi government......The UN needs to remove the " RE " from resolutions.