Monday, November 26, 2007

Walls do not lead to peace

It is been said to us, we are biased against one side. We pick on the Arabs and do not go after Israel. It is true we are focused on the muslim end. It is because we are muslims and we believe we must address our own evils. There are many jews and many jewish blogs which can address their evils. And let us not pretend they ( Israel ) do not have done evil.

However since we were asked we will deliver.
Israel has created concentration camps. There is a generation of palestinians who were born and raised in camps. If any culture should know the evil nature of camps you would hope its Israel.
Israel has become the offensive. It is understanble to protect yourself, however expansion of your territory takes away your whole arguement. STOP SETTLEMENTS, TEAR DOWN SETTLEMENTS WHICH DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE 67.
The race which wants the world to never forget the holocast is the same which has creatsed this 30 years of oppression of another race.

You cannot talk about peace while you build walls. Israel wants peace but builds walls designed to further oppress the palestinians. Have you forgotten what it was like to be in camps? We at modern muslim will try to promote change in our people, but lets see the Israelis stand up and call their government on their evil ways.

Youth in the Muslim World

The truth about the muslim world is it's young in population. This can be good or bad.
65% of the muslim world is under 25. Which is amazing since usually the young are ambitious and want change.
They can be inspired. Unfortunately this will not happen in the current state because you need education to be
inspired. Where is the education????
Instead they are being brainwashed by islamists and their media outlets to be radical and stupid. Ignorance is bliss!!!!

The chance is there for us to change the world. If someone could inspire the youth to question tradition and their own governments, they could become the next power. While the western world is getting old, they arab world is young. The future could be bright, if.....well if they could read and write and think for themselves.

The bad part of youth!
Young men cause violence. % of young men is related to the amount of violence in a country.
% of young men is higher in the muslim world than anywhere else.
Youth and poverty lead to instability....both readily available in the muslim world.
Since 1970 60% of the violence has occurred in countries whose populations was under 39.

The saying wisdom comes with age maybe true, but in the muslim world wisdom is short because they are too young and don't live long enough to become wise.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Arab Myth

Here are some facts which the Arabs like to ignore in order to promote the greatest myth in the world today.
The US is responsible for the middle east peace. Its the US's fault there is no peace because the US is not making it so.
Well lets revisit some facts.

-One: In 1947 it was the Arab bloc which rejected the partition on Palestine into two states. Arab and Israeli.
-Two: It was the Arab countries in 1967 at a conference in Khartoum who issued the three "NO"s. No to peace with Israel, no to negotiation, no to recognition.
-It was Palestinian leadership in 2000 that rejected the offer of an independent Palestinian state.
-Europe and Russia have lucrative contracts with Iran and will not pressure them to stop funding the war.
-Egypt continues to allow arms to cross into Gaza and still asks for peace in public.
-Saudi ( Evil ) Arabia has all the money in the world and does not invest in Palestine to help them become independent. But then how can Saudi Arabia know about freedom, compassion and human equality. Those have never existed there since the days of the prophet.

And yet the world believes it is the United States who is responsible. Why should it be the US who has to do this? Every European will always blame the US for the middle east first. So how come the EU is not jumping in? Where is the German, French, British, Spainish, Russian, Italian peace conferences?

There are two culprits in this. Israel and Palestine. We need to blame them equally and walk away. Arm both sides EQUALLY and let show begin. Fight till you die!
Peace will come to those who want peace!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You want a cause

Women! Liberals! Anti-War Activists!
You want a cause, a reason why we need to change the middle east and none of your pacificist walking in the western world will do it, then read this story. This didn't occur in the 30', 50' 60' 70' 80' 90'; no but in 2006. Yes this still happens there. And you think we are crazy for wanting change.

The Saudi judiciary on Tuesday defended a court verdict that sentenced a 19-year-old victim of a gang rape to six months in jail and 200 lashes because she was with an unrelated male when they were attacked.

The Shiite Muslim woman had initially been sentenced to 90 lashes after being convicted of violating Saudi Arabia's rigid Islamic law requiring segregation of the sexes.

But in considering her appeal of the verdict, the Saudi General Court increased the punishment. It also roughly doubled prison sentences for the seven men convicted of raping the woman, Saudi news media said last week.

The reports triggered an international outcry over the Saudis punishing the victim of a terrible crime.

But the Ministry of Justice stood by the verdict Tuesday, saying that "charges were proven" against the woman for having been in a car with a man who was not her relative.

The ministry implied the victim's sentence was increased because she spoke out to the press. "For whoever has an objection on verdicts issued, the system allows an appeal without resorting to the media," said the statement, which was carried on the official Saudi Press Agency.

The attack occurred in 2006. The victim says she was in a car with a male student she used to know trying to retrieve a picture of her. She says two men got into the car and drove them to a secluded area where she was raped by seven men. Her friend also was assaulted.

Justice in Saudi Arabia is administered by a system of religious courts according to the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islamic law.

Judges have wide discretion in punishing criminals, rules of evidence are vague and sometimes no defense lawyer is present. The result, critics say, are sentences left to the whim of judges. A rapist, for instance, could receive anywhere from a light sentence to death.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack avoided directly criticizing the Saudi judiciary over the case, but said the verdict "causes a fair degree of surprise and astonishment."

"It is within the power of the Saudi government to take a look at the verdict and change it," McCormack said.

Canada's minister for women's issues, Jose Verger, has called the sentence "barbaric."

The New York-based Human Rights Watch said the verdict "not only sends victims of sexual violence the message that they should not press charges, but in effect offers protection and impunity to the perpetrators."