Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Honour Killings are not Honourable!

A few weeks ago Syria passed a new law. From now on there is a minimum sentence for honor killings. Before there was no minimum, thus Men who kill their sisters and wives were able to walk free.
How is it honorable to kill someone? Who came up with this system?

So the minimum sentence now for killing your sister or wife in Syria?
2 years. 2 years.

Is it any wonder we don't feel like the Muslim world is moving forward. Only in our backward society is this acceptable. The fact it is accepted in most countries is a disgrace and shameful.
Which God would be considered honorable if he allowed his followers to kill their own/
Where is the honor is that?

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where is the Noise?

The Chinese are killing Muslims and all the Muslim countries are quiet. All because of the economy depends on the Chinese.
The media also isn't giving it the coverage it gave the Iranian crack down.
The so called man of change hasn't even mentioned it. What is Barack doing? He was afraid of saying anything to the Iran, so its obvious he isn't going to say anything to the Chinese. I thought he was a "friend of Islam". Maybe as long as we don't go against the Chinese.
There is no noise coming from those who like to shout about human rights. Are you afraid if you speak out you won't be able to buy your cheap Chinese products?

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Stoning of Soraya M

Here is a movie based on a true story of a woman falsely accused and stoned to death. In a muslim world with muslim traditions. This woman was stoned by her father, brothers and husbands and the village. There was a list of who would throw the stones and in what order. Father, husband, brothers, mayor, cleric.

C'mon, how in Allah's name can the President of United States say the US has no problem with the muslim religion????? How!!!! How can a black man not see this?????

The world needs to be at war with the Muslim law. With muslims living in the dark ages. How many women, men and children have to die? We never thought we would say this but white man from Texas is more compassionate than a black man from Chicago towards the Muslim world.

Talk is cheap. You will be accused of instigation whether you do it or not. So stand up for the truth. Tell the Iranians they are wrong.

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