Thursday, November 12, 2009

Skewed idea of Religion.

Here is what is happening in America. The biggest name in Christianity is Joel Olsteen. He and his group of pastors preach Christianity which seems to be at odds with the book. Now I am not Christian, so I maybe wrong, but religion christian or muslim or any other kind never was for the Rich.
These people preach this idea you deserve what you have. You should ask for wealth. You should get wealth and all the material things you want.
Muslims are no different. Muslim religion leaders are becoming materialistic and accepting the same philosophy.

What gets me, and I admit I am no religious scholar, is how that is now what religion is about.

God was always for the poor!!!!! Religions took on the establishment. Moses led them across the ocean. Mohammed fought the establishment, Jesus healed the poor and disadvantaged. All religion stories are about people helping the poor and helping them get ahead. How many poor can get into the Olsteen church? Where is the humility? Did I miss the earthing of new papers that re-state the concepts of religion. God didn't not come to the Romans and told them to help the poor but also to pray for more wealth. Would God give his blessings to Joel Osteen?
So, why is it today Religion promotes wealth, and looks down on the downtrodden? Yes they help the poor, but only as a way to claim they are doing something. The poor are looked at as deserving of their place in society. That is not how your God's want it; according to your own historical records.

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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Are Muslims just Dumb?

The question has to be asked to our political and religious leaders? Are Muslims just dumb?
Here we are in the 21st century and the stats just don't do justice.
A survey by Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) had the following stats:
-Of the 48 countries studied for their education systems, all 12 Arab countries fell below the average.
-Less than 1% of the students aged 12-13 reached advanced benchmark in science compared to 32% in Singapore or 10% in America
-Listing of top 500 Universities in the world has none in the Arab world. 6 in Israel!
-Egypt is 124 in the list of quality of primary school education system based on Math and Science
-Libya is 128 in the list of higher education rankings, even thou it has $16 000 income for citizens, as opposed to Burkina Faso with $577 income per citizen. However Burkina Faso has a higher rating.

So are Muslims just genetically dumb?
The answer is NO. Only their leaders.

It is the leaders of this country who control education policy and they are not spending or improving their education systems. They do not educate their people; kids.
The simplest solution would be to reduce religious studies. In Saudi Arabia 31% of classroom time is devoted to religion compared to 20% for Math. 1/4 of their students devote their main part of the degree to Islamic studies over Math, Engineering, Science, Medicine...
Religious study remains obligatory from primary thru University levels.

Stop the religious study. Teach Math, Science, and teach everyone!
Otherwise you are going to prove the statement Muslims are dumb. We at MMM are not dumb and do not want to be considered dumb. So hey dumb asses ( political and religious leaders) ask someone smart to help you create a new education system or better yet go join Allah, you will be doing your people a favor.

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Monday, November 02, 2009

The Muslims are Coming, The Muslims are Coming

Few stats:
According to Pew Research, a white, christian, western firm.\
1.57 billion Muslims in the world.
23% of the world population.
Where do they live?
The majority live in Asia, yes Asia. 2/3 of all Muslims live in Asia.
The largest populations of Muslims are in Indoneasia, Pakistan and India followed by?????? can you guess.
16.5 million Muslims live in Russia. 12% of their population.

Look around you, wherever you are, there is one of us there!

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