Kill high, not low!
In the world of dictatorships, or authoritarian rule the question which needs answering is; WHY PEOPLE?
Why do (we) the people allow dictators and authoritarians to get away with abusing the masses?
Let's start with the Muslims? Why are Sunnis and Shias fighting? Why do Iraqis fight each other? Why do the police and the security service kill their compatriots? In truth they need to be reminded that they do not get any benefits.
The people in power use the common people to maintain their position. In Iran the Ayatoallahs use the people to keep their privileges. Why should the common people continue to harm each other to allow the elites a chance to maintain their dominions?
So Muslim citizens, refuse to fight each other. Sunni or Shia is irrelevant, Kurd or Turk, Jew or Christian, all irrelevant. The world has only one real conflict. The masses against the elites. More than socialism this is about the majority understanding the need to unite and become tolerant of others. By uniting for the bigger goal: peace, freedom, equality over personal, religious, ideological gains.
Let us consider Syria. The people killing the citizens need to ask themselves why are we doing this for Assad. Basher the coward is not on the streets killing, he is sending out others. The leaders themselves never go out and commit the atrocities. So why are these people not asking themselves the question. Why don't they kill high not low?
We can revolutionize the world if soldiers, police, citizens, and masses accepted this mantra.
When ordered by your superiors or leaders to kill or harm another ask yourself why, then take the position 'I will only kill those who are above me in economic and political status'. How quickly would this world change?
Our children are all the same. Let's make a vow. No to elites making us kill, harm, or elites dividing us to maintain their position. Every chance you get kill only the elite. There are billions of poor, ONLY A handful of leaders, kings, ayatoallahs, presidents, party leaders......
Labels: Arab leaders, class warfare, Elites, philosophy