Thursday, January 16, 2014


How do we get thru corruption? Corruption is rampant in the world and there is no moral authority out there. No leader to stand up and call out the offenders. As much as we hate the American imperialism, they had ideals in their society which gave them some status. The current president in six years has washed away American power which took 200 hundred years to gain. Russia is corrupt, but can Obama say anything? NO! Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Central Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Ukraine, all in turmoil this week as the people rise up against the governments because of corruption. Who can call the leaders of these countries and say anything, or threaten them into doing the right thing? Who??? It use to be the US, but now spineless sits and twiddles his thumbs. The governments have to understand the new world with internet and social media makes it hard to be a dictator and corruption breeds chaos. America is on its way if it does not curb its corruption in the form of capitalism. Money is warping the government here too. Brazil, China, India are on the list… The worst story this week was about the central africa where the muslims and christians committed acts of inhumanity. Killing and eating each other, yes eating. Then having BBC interview you as you gloat of your cannibalism. How does the world get here? Corruption. Whatever faction is in power it self enriches. Which leads to the the masses being abused to where life has no meaning. Can someone point out to the Christians and Muslims in the central Africa, to look in the mirror and see they are black and the same. They were one people before religion came. How can we oppose these people? They fight corruption, and corruption creates strange bedfellows. Christians are evil in one part, and muslims in the other. WE hate corruption but someone please bring the mantle of humanity back. We always expected the US president to stand up and claim it, even thou it wasn't perfect ( US was doing evil too ) but it kept the world in check from what is happening everywhere. Does anyone in the world listen to OBAMA?!!!! He is the substitute teacher and the class is rebelling.

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Monday, January 06, 2014


A New Year and new hopes. Its always a good thing to hope the new year is better then the last. This year we have the same wishes for the world. Peace, equality, freedom. Again we will stay optimistic, but… Lets just state this now, so we can address other issues as the year progresses. Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to the world. Syria is a mess, Iraq is turning into another mess, Iran is laughing at the stupidity of Obama, Russia is about to be a mess, Sudan is lost, Egypt? and all of this things can actually be traced back to the indifference of this administration. We would like to call it incompetence, and criminal, but it offends people to think this administration doesn't have a plan. So we will pretend its indifference. Ask yourself was the world better before this half white pretender took office? The middle east is going the way of a sectarian war and the US let it get there. Just read the news and see it unfold. Al Queda was done, then came Obama. Now it is thriving because there was a void left for it to step into. Wherever this goes its going to be bloody. We pray we are wrong and have to apologize for our words. May Allah save us all from idealists and pragmatists. May the pacifists go to hell. Its easy to be a pacifist when you are not involved in the war.

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