Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It takes two!

They did it again! This time the idiots (ISIS) stoned two women for adultery in Syria. 
Do we need to remind you it takes two to commit adultery!  Why aren't you stoning the guy?

Are you cutting off the hands of the men jerking off?  How about we admit the women are the weaker sex, and not rely on them to be strong enough to fight off the Satan's temptation.  Instead every man over 17 not married, let's castrate them!  No more adultery!  Sounds reasonable!

This is just the kind of reasoning these imbeciles will understand. 
However let's not forget two or more women lost their lives again while we did nothing!  When is the world going to go to war for the women???????

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Monday, August 04, 2014


Here is our conundrum.  We cannot decide what side to take.  We hate IS (ISIS-we are going to call them idioits) for all the crap they are doing in Iraq and what they represent.  Idiots smoking Marlborough and using western equipment demanding a new Muslim state devoid of western influence.

Yet the idiots are also fighting Assad in Syria! 

So what do you do?

The Muslim world needs an alternative! We need to create a MMM army with weapons and eliminate these rats.  I am sure Saudi and Iran will support us and if we are lucky the spineless one will condemn us. 

If you are a Muslim, learn to read and then read the book and realize you need to stand up to extremes!  Join the modern Muslim movement. 

Its hard in the Obama world to know which side to be on, but the right is always right!

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