Monday, November 17, 2014

36 million slaves: WRONG!!!!

Walk Free a anti slavery group put up their numbers today about global slavery. Of course to make headlines they started with 36 million people live in slavery. Now that is an astonishing figure in 2014, but its not true. Slavery exists in 167 countries. Wrong. It's in every country. India has the largest population, 14 million. Wrong. Mauritania has the largest % of the population. 4%. Absolutely wrong!!!! Here is the problem for this survey. They do not consider religion. They did not count the women of the muslim world having to live under their men. 4%? Really. How about 50% in Saudi Arabia, no woman is free there! 14 million in India, whats the population of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Pakistan, and how many are women? Women in muslim countries and others are slaves. Every country that has men, has slavery! We at MMM want the world to change. Islam is not about slavery, except as practiced by Men. Allah has no slaves!

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