Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dump Saudi Arabia.

The US government has been given the best opportunity to change the world with the current Saudi Arabia situation. The US is the only reason Saudi Arabia has the influence and role in the world today. The US has been on the wrong side for a long time and has not been able to because of various circumstances. The main being the supply of oil. However the US now is independent and can easily sustain itself without the Saudi Arabia. So there is no reason left to prop up the biggest evil in humanity. Saudi Arabia is responsible for all the evils targeting the US. Taliban, Isis, Al-Qaeda are all incubated by Saudi Arabia. The bombers from September 11 were all Saudi's. Why did the US not go to war against Saudi Arabia? Oil! The leverage against the US is gone, and now there is no reason for us to support Saudi Arabia. This is the regime bombing school buses, and clinics. This is the country which is stopping the peace process in the middle east. The US cannot make deals with Iran and others because the Saudi's hate Iran. If US was not beholden to Saudi Arabia it would be better able to make deals around the middle east and Afghanistan. The last straw against the Saudi's is they are now a preferred partner for Israel, which reinforces their corruptness. In killing Khashoggi Saudi Arabia has given the world a reason to reset the table. Sanction and isolate Saudi Arabia to the point where they can be overturned by all the groups who are wanting to overthrow this royal family. The new prince is nothing but a spoiled brat now getting his turn at the throne. He has done nothing but harm humanity. The problem here is America and the world has let this go on to the point where he felt he could do as he pleases. Unless the world shuts him down, he will continue to behave as such. The inaction of America begun by Obama has created an atmosphere where leaders feel empowered to do such crimes, because there is no consequences for their actions. Unfortunately Trump is continuing the Obama disengagement in the Middle East. Thus these leaders act as such. The shining light here for those who can see it, is this is the perfect excuse to cut ties and change American policy on Saudi Arabia and usher a new order. This president claims he is unique, well here is the test. Can you truthfully change history? Dump Saudi and open a dialog with Iran. Iran needs rescuing and America can kill two birds with one stone. Destroy the evil of Saudi Arabia and provide a platform of peace in the middle east. Luckily we don't gamble, because of the odds of an American president making a bold move for peace would be astronomical.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

UNAT...UN admission test.

" TheBreadwinner" is a film which like "Osama" before should be a recruitment for change. However the world has become desensitized to violence and crimes against humanity. This period of human history will be looked at with shame. WE the world have let humans be slaughtered and abused without consequences, because those who have the power to change are not wanting to risk the security and comfort of their lives. The world has not had leaders in decades. Our leaders are pathetic representations of leaders. Obama, Bush, Merkel, Cameron, every French leader, Putin, and every Chinese leader. What is happening in Syria is an affront to humanity, yet 7+ years and no solution in sight. Reasonable people put their faith in the UN. Why? Its flawed and designed to avoid action and responsibility. It was designed to give cover to inaction, worse to human abuses for economic gains. Would God create 195 people, then give 4 white and 1 oriental veto power over all the rest? Is God racist? Why are black and Muslim countries participating in the UN? MMM has always been against the UN, but now more than ever it is showing its true colors. MMM has always been for women rights and equality and these two movies have always inspired our anger at establishment. Do not watch these movies if you don't want to get angry, and if you can watch these without getting angry, then you are ideal to be a politician or a representative at the UN. The above two movies are the ultimate UNAT. An admission test for the UN.

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Monday, January 29, 2018

A new year is not a new day

A new year does not bring a new day for those suffering under the Muslim religion. Luckily for them, the western world cares? Not! The western world is easily fooled by show. Saudi Arabia allowing women to drive becomes a huge story, yet no one asks, how many women in Saudi Arabia will have cars? This isn't a great step. Iran has a spark for change but no one in the west spends any effort to cover and bring out the stories. No country helps provide help, not military but by giving continued access to social media. Why can't whatsapp, telegram, imo and such find ways to usurp governments? People of the world only stay oppressed because governments around the world benefit from such a state. The one rule which is absolute is corruption exists because its beneficial to someone. As long as someone is benefiting from oppression there will be oppression. Does America really need Israel? Only american corporations, and banking need Israel, thus America needs Israel. The American citizen living in Alabama doesn't give a shit about Israel, or if we protect Israel at the expense of humanity, for it does not benefit him at all. However he is fed propaganda all his life that supporting Israel is a moral right, because those running the economy need it to be. What difference would it make to him if we switched sides? None! The questions for individuals should be, what do you stand for? If its your nation, then suspend truth and be patriotic. If its humanity, then suspend the media and start asking questions? Here at MMM each year gets us closer to the death, and farther away from peace and harmony. Evil and wrongs are easy to spot. Change is impossible.

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Monday, December 18, 2017

Watch a Movie and forget about it.

The current so called leader of Saudi Arabia is the new king of hypocrisy. He claimed he was going to reform his country and end corruption. There is no honor among thieves, so after extorting his cousins and uncles out of billions of dollars under the guise of fighting corruption, he turns around and spends the money for his personal gain. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't extort the money, it still doesn't justify the current shopping spree he is on. How does $450 million dollar piece of art, $300 million chateau in France, and $500 million on a yacht help the people of Saudi Arabia? However in his concern for his people his highness has allowed the ban on movie theaters to be lifted. Why worry about poverty and human rights abuses, when you can go watch a movie. He is brilliant in not only playing his own people but the west. The media and the celebrities will be much more forgiving of his abuses as long as their art is now available to the people of Saudi Arabia. Movies after all are about escapism. Forget about your realities and lose yourself in the world of movies. I wouldn't be surprised to see mentions of the Crown Prince in future tweets from celebrities railing against Trump.

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Going to the Devils House to Pray

We have watched the developments in the Middle East with glee and fright. It's reassuring to know we were right when it comes to Saudi Arabia. It is the nest of evil. We called it months ago and now the western media seems to be focusing on the plight of the innocents in Yemen. There are still some naive westerners who believe its a mutual fault between the warring parties, but most informed people now understand it is Saudi Arabia who is driving this war and Saudi Arabia solely preventing food and medical supplies from getting to the innocent children. When 60 minutes starts covering a story, it means its way beyond the tipping point. Further the so called new reformist in Saudi Arabia is now trying to goad Iran into a war in Lebanon. He is hoping the largest military in the middle east Egypt, will back him up, as he has no fighting military. Its the Saudis; for Allah's sake. So far Egypt has shown some semblance of intelligence, although they did take the Saudi money. Do not get fooled by the right of women to drive, how many women is that? The so called corruption arrests, its his uncles he wants eliminated to destroy the opposition. Our position has not changed. The two things we have always believed to be true and irrefutable; all praise is due to Allah, and Saudi Arabia is Satan incarnate. It is a true test of a Muslim faith, to go to the devils house once in a lifetime to pray at the greatest monument to Allah on this earth.

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Monday, June 05, 2017

Say No to Saudi Arabia

The diplomatic divide in the Middle East is a very dangerous situation which could set the standard for the next generation. Its Saudi Evil Arabia again trying to regain their need to be the boss of the middle east. This would not be possible if the Saudi's believed US would not back them up. The problem for us here has always been Saudi Arabia. If Donald Trump backs Saudi Arabia over Iran, this world will never be fixed. America made a mistake 80 plus years ago when it threw its weight behind Saudi Arabia Since then they have bullied countries and incubated terrorists. They have funded terrorism and polluted the minds of generations of Muslims in Pakistan, Nigeria ...with their perverted version of Islam. The Iranians aren't much better, however the US should stay away from both or work with both. Picking one, especially Saudi Arabia, is not going to solve the bigger issue. The bigger issue is Islamic extremism, which begins and ends with wahhabism, which is Saudi Arabia's number one export.

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Monday, May 08, 2017

A warning for the French

We are optimists here, we have to be. So we will hope the new French President is good for all. We will accept him at face value that he wants to change the country and the union for the people. We will believe he cares for the people and not just the elite banking class. We will ignore the fact he is an investment banker. We will ignore he comes from the past government and may have the same people running his campaign. We will ignore he comes from the establishment as all previous presidents. Most importantly we will ignore he use Obama's campaign team. We hope for the best as we did in 2008, but we found out soon how bad and damaging was Obama to humanity. Sometimes we need to not fall for the sweet talk. We need to not get excited by the words and ignore the facts. We should have known in retrospect how bad Obama was going to be, but we got hypnotized....This is our warning to the careful. This may be your Obama and the world cannot handle another. The only group who benefitted during the Obama years were the elites, he so called stood against....

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